From the board meeting on February 15, 2016:

Topics discussed:

Resident Robert Cook present to discuss Clubhouse Rental policies and deposits.
Policy will be clarified with the new managers Rad and Christy Senn. New management will be effective March 1, 2016

Thanks to the Davidson’s for serving our neighborhood for 18 years in this capacity.

Resident Tom LeHon: Power- point presentation on the repairs needed to keep the river path safe and well drained. River path committee will obtain some actual bids from contractors to address their priority list and will resubmit actual finance need list to Board at a later date.

Resident Pat Lewis: Shared concerns about animal feces not being properly disposed of and picked up along the river path. Please post a reminder on the PF website to this priority. She would also like a reminder posted that dogs must be on leash at all times according to Greenville County Animal Control guidelines.

Board Members Present:
Jimbo Chapman
Jen Auslund
Brenda Miles
Mary Katherine Harris
Marty Watts
Conrad Senn